Yes we made it off Easter Island and what a zoo it was. The airport was trying to squeeze two flights into one and the plane was over 3 hours late in taking off.
We finally arrived in our hotel at 9.45pm having left the hotel in Easter Island at 9 am. We are told that there is a BA flight en route even though the borders are closed so we will see what happens.
The flight was amazing solely for the weird people on board. Stress levels were high and we had one family who cleaned their ‘space’ on the plane and even had their own sheets, gloves and posh face masks. Not only that they dressed their two sons and themselves in the same clothes.
Hello Leslie and David…Praying that you are finally safe and sound at home!!!
Much Love, Howard and Rene
Do hope you made it home safely yesterday? We have loved your photos. Keep safe. Love Susie xx